10 things a computer user should know

10 things a computer user should know

It is not difficult or impossible to master the use of any kind of computer; however, computer functions do not stop when browsing the Internet and social networking sites or sending and receiving e-mail; you must be familiar with some things and the fundamentals that can be done to make it easier.

  • Backup

Backup is one of the most important things that any user should not neglect, as not taking a backup copy of the data may expose the user to the risk of losing it forever. Therefore, it is always advisable to install backup software that is available for all operating systems without exception, and now cloud storage tools can be relied on to save data on the Internet and restore it at any time.

  • Keyboard shortcuts

Many computer users rely on the mouse as the main tool for controlling programs and their windows, but each program has a large set of keyboard shortcuts that eliminate the need to move the mouse in many times, especially when browsing mail or social networks.

  • Virus protection

Although there are protection tools built into all operating systems, a virus or malicious program can arise in a new form at any time and infect any computer with ease by visiting sites containing malicious content, attachments to e-mail messages, or even when an external storage tool is connected. It is always recommended to install antivirus software even if it is paid and not free to ensure you always get the best support.

Installing useless software

Installing free programs from the Internet may not have much harm if the program is from a reliable company, but when installing this type of program, a package of adware is installed, which the user may overlook during the installation process. So, when there is any program that does not work or the user has not installed it, it can simply be removed without problems.

  • Remote computer use

Remote computer use does not require many tools, experience or complex operations, all the user needs is to install some programs for this purpose on the two computers or on the computer, phone or tablet and connect using the username and password in the same way as logging in with Facebook or G mile for example.

  • Constant maintenance

In addition to the antivirus programs inside the computer, each system contains tools for maintaining the computer and deleting temporary files to improve performance in general. However, this does not prevent the installation of some specialized programs in this field that perform this type of function better.

  • File sharing

It is possible to share files between more than one computer with ease and without exposing the computer to the risk of penetration. Cloud storage and sharing services are among the best methods that can be used, but you should always be careful not to download any file that is shared without trusting its source or checking it before running it.

  • Find lost devices

Computers, phones and smart devices can now be found thanks to the services provided by Google, Apple or Microsoft, through which any lost device can be found by entering the service site and logging in with the account to display its geographical location with the ability to lock it or delete data from it completely .

  • Data encryption

It is always recommended to install programs or use system tools that encrypt data on the computer, especially that which is stored on external memories, to ensure that it is not transmitted to any device and stolen in case it contains important data.

  • The computer is not fully functional for the user

Not all the points above are activated automatically, the user needs to adjust the settings after installing the computer and turning it on for the first time. Therefore, any message that appears on the computer screen should not be neglected and closed without reading its content. It is recommended to create one account and log in with it when using the computer to access most of these services and link them with the computer and with the rest of the devices.

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