Social media mistakes that can hurt your career

Social media mistakes that can hurt your career


 of respondents to a survey conducted in 2019 stated that they believe social media has an impact on hiring decisions.

As a result, half of them say that they have deleted old posts or profiles on social media to safeguard their professional reputation!Indeed, posting improper substance isn't the main error that could make an organization quit recruiting you.Here are four mistakes you can make on social media that can hurt your career.

1. Not being on social media

In another survey conducted by CareerBuilder, nearly 50% of employers said they would not hire a candidate they could not find online! While 28% stated that they use social media to gather more information about the applicant before the interview. So it's clear that not being on social media is a big mistake, and being online is inevitable if you want to improve your career.

2. Having an inconsistent brand

One of the most difficult aspects of building a personal brand is discovering a single professional image that expresses your skills and experience that you should focus on in a professional context. Your professional brand must be consistent across social networks, meaning it must be the same person no matter what communication medium you use.

3. Frequent publication

In the CareerBuilder survey, hiring managers were asked to choose reasons for not moving forward with a candidate after perusing their social media, and most of the reasons were unsurprising: 40% cited inappropriate images, 36% cited evidence of alcohol or drug use, and 31 % found the comments offensive and discriminatory. But the last reason was surprising, as nearly 12% of employers said they refused to follow a candidate because they post too often! If we look a little deeper into this answer, we will see why. Simply put, when employers see that you post a lot on social media, it means to them that you have nothing to do but spend time online (especially if you post during work hours).

4. Posting information that could get you fired!

Posting trade secrets or saying negative things about your employer, boss, or co-workers on social media can get you fired, and worse, damage your professional reputation among companies. Be careful not to publish any information that may be offensive to the company in which you work or cause the secrets of its work to be revealed.

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