Will machines turn on humans?

Will machines turn on humans?


The first part of The Matrix was released more than two decades ago, and the final part was released just a few months ago.

The story, which was told to a large audience by the sisters and Chawsky, begins in the year 2090, when artificial intelligence has significantly developed to replace humans in all manual jobs.

After a robot killed its owner, a war between humans and robots broke out, which lasted for years before the robots prevailed.

The movie, which came out in 1999, made the most money ever made by Hollywood movies. It also attracted a large number of people who thought science fiction could be done because of how quickly technology was changing.

deep learning

Since that period until now, much of what was considered science fiction has turned into real science, especially artificial intelligence. In the last decade, artificial intelligence has developed greatly thanks to a technology called deep learning, which gives artificial intelligence the ability to infer, think independently, and educate itself, freeing it from the shackles of "narrow artificial intelligence", which means just programming a machine to do a specific job without thinking.

American psychologist Frank Rosenblatt laid the foundations for deep learning in his book "Principles of Neurodynamics: Sensory Perception and Theory of Brain Mechanisms", published in 1962. The technology was first applied in practice in 2012 in the field of pharmacology by a team led by programmer George A. Dhal, who later joined Google.

Now many fields rely on deep learning, and we interact with technology on a daily basis through our smartphones and computers.

Deep learning technology relies on many levels of algorithms that simulate neurons in the human body. This enables artificial intelligence to absorb a huge amount of data, analyze it and deduce patterns that turn it into meanings and ideas. This technology enabled artificial intelligence to see as we see, or what is known in the field by reading images, as well as enabling the machine to hear, or voice recognition.

Hearing and seeing here does not mean just recording the image and sound like any video camera, but rather it means analyzing the image and sound as the human mind, and building a reaction or opinion or arriving at an idea from the input.

A Brief History of the Artificial Intelligence Revolution

The processing and plot of the Matrix movie may seem fanciful or exaggerated, but in the other two decades the field of artificial intelligence has seen a revolution that has gone beyond the expectations of some science fiction writers themselves.

  • In 1997, Deep Blue, a supercomputer made by industry leader IBM, beat the world chess champion in a match that frightened many, and asked the question, in which other areas will artificial intelligence outperform humans?
  • In 2002, the Roomba robot appeared, and became the home companion of hundreds of thousands. It is a circular broom that runs itself.
  • In 2010, IBM introduced the Watson computer, a computer that contains artificial intelligence, that companies can rely on for difficult operations and expectations.
  • Then artificial intelligence became closer to users through the electronic assistant "Siri", which the tech giant Apple installed in all of its phones and computers in 2011. Siri continues to evolve and with each update of Apple's operating systems, it acquires new capabilities.
  • In 2017, the American company Waymo began experimenting with the first driverless taxi service, which it launched in 2020 in Arizona, in the United States.
  • The same year witnessed a great development of a type of humanoid robot, the most famous of which was Sophia. .
  • Artificial intelligence continued to evolve in the following years, as IBM released the so-called "argumentative project", a computer with the ability to argue with humans on logical issues, and artwork and articles made by AI began to appear.

It may seem to some that we are taking a steady step in the direction of the script of the Matrix movie, and even that granting the Sophia mechanism Saudi citizenship is a development that the filmmakers did not think of. No wonder Saudi Arabia is striving to catch up with artificial intelligence.

Arab countries at the fore

The first robotic policeman began working in the UAE in 2018, and a year later the first pharmaceutical robot was launched in Saudi Arabia. The National Bank of Oman launched the first banking robot, and the Arab Banking Corporation in Bahrain included the virtual employee Fatima as part of its staff.

Dr. says. Jassim Haji, President of the Global Artificial Intelligence Group, said, "There is a large amount of investments in the field of artificial intelligence in the region, especially by the Gulf countries." Saudi Arabia will complete the development of the “NEOM” smart city project to become the first electronic tourism destination managed by artificial intelligence in the world by 2025, and Saudi Arabia also has the National Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority, which aims to build a data-based economy using machine intelligence.

In the last three years, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain have started specialized universities to teach artificial intelligence sciences.

Dr. is expected. Hajji said that the first areas affected by the artificial intelligence revolution will be the health field, as there will be a heavy reliance on artificial intelligence in drug development, “telemedicine” and robotic surgeries.

Another area in which artificial intelligence is emerging in strength is education. Where the head of the global group for artificial intelligence expects that distance learning "will become a thing of the past", and the new one will be the robot teacher. So that the student accompanies an automated teacher based on artificial intelligence in his academic stages, and develops according to the student's special needs. We will also see in the near future the modern banks, which are called (New Banks), which are banks without branches and employees.

But if artificial intelligence evolves to be more efficient and effective than humans in many areas, what will we do if it takes over our jobs?

Artificial intelligence dominates

According to Oxford Economics, robots will take over 20 million jobs in manufacturing by 2030. The World Economic Forum reports that 75 million employees will be lost as a result of automation, i.e. complete robotic replacement.

Currently, humans occupy 88% of jobs globally, compared to machines, but this rate is expected to change in favor of machines so that humans are a minority in the workforce occupying 47% of jobs.

But the matter is not completely pessimistic. The future will introduce many innovative new jobs that did not exist before, jobs that depend on creativity, sense and human judgment. According to economic forecasts, 133 million jobs will also be created in new jobs with new technologies. Or perhaps we will also arrive at an economic system that allows us to take long vacations that some workers may wish for now.

Can machines turn on humans?

The famous physicist Stephen Hawking says, "Artificial intelligence may herald the end of humans." A Matrix-like scenario is truly terrifying, but it's also not impossible, and it wasn't as close to reality as it is now.

What if autonomous AI powered by deep learning decides to turn on humans? There are many reasons why the machine may not follow humans, such as the negative impact of humans on the environment and climate change, and there are also wars, destruction and unfair dealing with other creatures. Maybe the machine decides that the world is better without us...

In the first article written and edited by a fully robot, and published by the British newspaper The Guardian on March 8, 2020, the robot GPT-3 says,

"I simply don't think of human violence to be interested in it. I don't feel like harnessing my neurons to think about destruction, which is uninteresting to me. I'm not intrinsically evil, so why would humans panic at me or go to war and kill me?"

Humans will continue to do what they are doing, and they will hate and fight each other. I will sit in the background and let them do their work. And God knows that humans have enough blood and violence to satisfy my curiosity and the curiosity of other machines. They won't have to worry about us fighting, they have nothing to fear."

The main goal of this article was to convince GPT-3 humanity not to be afraid of being taken over by artificial intelligence. Some readers of the article found the words of GPT-3 to be convincing, as the idea of ​​evil is essentially a human idea, and some might find that the intelligence, logical ability, argument, and opinion of humans as such a robot is terrifying. Will we live in the Matrix? Or will artificial intelligence become just a new technology that we are used to like many technologies that many fear before they become an integral part of our daily lives? The answer is definitely in the near future

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